Board Governance & Performance
Effective governance is critical for all organisations and the level of scrutiny on Boards is higher than ever before. Have you reviewed your Board's performance lately?
The Board of Directors ('the Board') are responsible for the overall governance, management and strategic direction of an organisation and for delivering accountable corporate performance in accordance with an organisation’s goals and objectives.
The level of scrutiny that is now applied to Directors on Boards has heightened due to a spate of recent corporate failures and related media scandals. Directors are responsible to ensure that appropriate and effective governance is applied.
Effective corporate governance is critical to the success of all organisations. From a Board perspective, it should cover aspects such as:
definition of strategic direction and strategic objectives
how to monitor the organisation's strategic direction and achievement of goals
how to monitor the operational and financial position and performance of the organisation
how to drive business performance to deliver value or benefit
how to assure a prudential and ethical basis for expected levels of conduct
how to assure the risks faced by the organisation are identified with appropriate controls and monitoring systems that appropriately manage or mitigate these risks
to what extent is authority delegated to the CEO; how will CEO performance be evaluated and what strategies are in place for executive succession.
Business Agility provides expert consulting services in board governance reviews, skills development and advice. We assist organisations with:
awareness of the role of the Board and the associated responsibilities related to governance
strategic planning sessions to define strategic direction and intent
assessments of Board strengths and weaknesses related to governance, risk, culture and strategy
development of Board governance charters and committee charters
advice regarding Board composition and membership in alignment with strategy and required skills
Evaluate Board performance and recommend performance improvement strategies.
Business Agility is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Deb Banning is a Graduate of the Company Directors Course, with 10 years experience on Boards.
Contact us for a chat about how we can support your Board with effective governance.